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Wedding Details

Sunday, 05 November 2017
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Mas Montagnette,
198 West 21th Street, NY

+1 843-853-1810

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Symphony of Cultures: Capturing the Elegance and Unity in an Indo-Western Wedding


A Tapestry of Love: Celebrating an Indian-Western Union through Wedding and Reception Photography

Behind the lens, What A Story’s wedding photographers embarked on a journey to encapsulate the fusion of cultures, traditions, and emotions that defined the wedding of an Indian groom and his Western bride. From the sacred wedding rituals to the joyous revelry of the reception, every photograph told a story of love that transcended borders.

Each click immortalized the bride’s graceful embrace of Indian customs, the groom’s pride in sharing his heritage, and the harmonious coming together of their families. The lens captured the fleeting moments—glimpses of pride in parents’ eyes, the bride’s serene joy.

Our team of wedding photographers weren’t merely capturing images, they wove a visual narrative that would forever remind the couple of their journey, a journey that celebrated love’s ability to transcend borders, cultures, and backgrounds, and emerge as a harmonious melody.

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